So you have all the gear, then you need the best of engineering and ideas to make the most out of it !
Nothing worse than not knowing how to plug it all together or flounder to achieve you aims.
It’s the engineering expertise that adds the magic to things, speakers need to be rigged, time aligned, and tuned to the venue, and we have the crew and specialist training and software applications like ArrayCalc and SMAART v8, with calibrated microphones to make it so.
Live sound engineers are needed to run the mixing desks for the audience and the performers on stage, so we have our own in house and freelance engineers experienced with every type of event available you you.
Patch engineers are needed to connect the band equipment together in the quickest possible time during stage changeovers.
Computers are everywhere and are also a major part in the remote management of amplifiers and speakers. The d&b R1 remote control software can be provided with all the network cables and routers to manage as many amplifiers and speakers as needed at the event from any location, but usually front of house.